News-watch’s monitoring of the BBC’s EU referendum coverage has now been underway for three months and this is a progress report. In one sense, tectonic plates have moved. Speakers who…
BIASED PROFESSOR?: World at One started a series yesterday which presenter Martha Kearney said would explain how the EU ‘actually works’. The impression given was that these would be objective…
MARDELL BIAS?: Mark Mardell is the former ‘Europe’ editor of the BBC and thus has a special knowledge of EU affairs. News-watch research has established, however, that in the past…
GREEN BIAS: A previous blog (April 7) highlighted that BBC2’s Newsnight had downplayed serious concerns about the role of the UK and the EU’s green energy regime in threatening the…
Newsnight claim: ‘green’ costs are irrelevant to the future of Tata steel CABBAGE PATCH: Radio 4’s magazine programme More or Less, which seeks to debunk and correct the misuse of…
PAUL MASON: For years, Paul Mason was the economics correspondent/editor of Newsnight. He was part of a team lead by the programme’s ex-Guardian editor, Ian Katz, and News-watch has assembled…
EX-PAT BIAS BBC2’s Newsnight examined last night opinion about Brexit among ex-pats in the Costa Del Sol. Reporter Sekunder Kermani had drawn the short straw of being sent to sunny…
INGLORIOUS ISOLATION: All this week, Radio 4 is carrying after World at One a series called Inglorious Isolation: A European’s History of Britain. In each 15-minute programme, a prominent ‘European’…
A News-watch investigation into one of the BBC’s flagship news programmes has found it to be heavily biased in favour of Britain remaining in the EU. Twenty consecutive editions of…
MARR BIAS? Today’s edition of the Andrew Marr Show on BBC1 leaned firmly towards the ‘remain’ side. Three guests – former BBC economics editor Stephanie Flanders, business secretary Sajid David…