INGLORIOUS ISOLATION: All this week, Radio 4 is carrying after World at One a series called Inglorious Isolation: A European’s History of Britain. In each 15-minute programme, a prominent ‘European’ is giving a view about the impact of the UK on his or her own culture. First off the block today is Italian architect Francesco da Mosta – and it’s already available on iplayer. He’s a charming and entertaining raconteur…but the problem here, as he spoke about the origins of British stoicism in Roman philosophy, and the influence of the Grand Tour, leapt out. The over-riding aim of the series is to show that Brits are ‘European’ and have been deeply influenced by European values. Yes, of course, we have to an extent – but in the context of the impending referendum, this is bias. ‘Remainers’ push with every sinew to tell us that we are ‘European’ and that to leave is turning our back on both geography and our heritage. Brexit supporters say we are not turning our back to ‘Europe’ at all – simply the EU. The programme construct thus inevitably favours the remain’ side. News-watch will analyse the series of a whole and assess the extent to which this concern is borne out.
CLIMATE CHANGE BUBBLE: As the referendum campaign unfolds, a major issue has been how the BBC has been reporting the EU’s strident, ideological approach to green and related energy issues. This was exemplified in an edition of Radio 4’s Costing the Earth analysed here. The supportive approach by the BBC to climate change alarmism is part of this tapestry of concern and is clearly a biased approach. Today, for example, the BBC is reporting uncritically that ‘according to models’ Antarctica is going to melt, causing eco disasters on an unprecedented and unimaginable scale. Scientists who disagree, such as those here, are seldom ever reported on the BBC under their crazy rules of ‘due impartiality’. That means that in one important respect, the pro-EU environmental/green agenda narrative is broadcast unchecked.
BBC SOROS LINK: The BBC is going overboard today on the story that damning files about offshore funds have been leaked from a Panama source. It’s the subject of a BBC1 Panorama programme this evening, is the lead story on the BBC website, and filled the ‘front page’ 7.10am and 8.10am slots on the Today programme. A huge issue of concern here is how they BBC came to have the story in the first place. It was unearthed by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). The Corporation, it transpires is closely associated with the group to the extent that it is named as a ‘partner organisation’. Clearly, with the Panama files it was an early recipient of the data – Corporation staff had been working on the Panorama programme for some time before the files were made more generally available. An issue here is how the BBC can justify such a relationship, because despite its high-flown title, the ICIJ has a deeply biased agenda which, for example, pushes climate change alarmism. Further, it is funded partly by George Soros, who is strongly pro-EU, along with a raft of left-leaning foundations whose agendas are politically partisan.