Referendum Blog: April 21

Referendum Blog: April 21

BUCK-PASSING? Nick Robinson’s second programme in his series Europe: Them or Us? highlighted numerous deep-rooted issues of BBC bias.  In summary, he said he was presenting a history of the UK’s relationship with ‘Europe’ but in reality, he started from…
Referendum Blog: April 20

Referendum Blog: April 20

OSBORNE BIAS?  News-watch has already noted that the marathon BBC coverage of George Osborne’s remain ‘Exocet‘ on Monday led the senior political reporting team  to make claims that the ‘leave’ side did not have satisfactory documents to produce in response,…
Referendum Blog: April 15

Referendum Blog: April 15

BBC1 MAIN BULLETIN BIAS?: Gavin Hewitt, another former BBC ’Europe’ editor (he succeeded Mark Mardell in the role),  popped up on the BBC1 News at Ten this week to look at the trade deal recently struck by Canada with the…
Referendum Blog: April 14

Referendum Blog: April 14

LAW-BREAKING?: The third of World at One’s ‘details of how the European Union’s organised’ by Professor Anand Menon was broadcast on Wednesday, and focused on EU law, which he said was the ‘glue that holds the EU together’. Menon described…
Referendum Blog: April 13

Referendum Blog: April 13

SINGLE MARKET BENEFITS BIAS: The second of World at One’s reports about how the EU operates was on Tuesday and focused on the EU budget.  It was again presented by Professor Anand Menon, of King’s College, London, who, as pointed…
Referendum Blog: April 12

Referendum Blog: April 12

BIASED PROFESSOR?: World at One started a series yesterday which presenter Martha Kearney said would explain how the EU ‘actually works’. The impression given was that these would be objective guides.  The first item was by Anand Menon, professor of…